Well you've got to love photoshop. Here I am waiting for a render and spell checking my blog [should really have done that a while back] and then looked again at the image below and thought, god what it is about the way Toby looks which makes you think, 'Oh the poor child, I wonder what his parents must look like if they made that'. Then I noticed, not only are his eyes slightly wonky, but he is supposed to be looking off to our left [his right] towards the noises Jeffrey is making on the stairs. But his nose is pointing in totally the opposite direction! Poor lad. Broken nose and he's only 6. Anyway, download the image from my blog, shove it in photoshop, bit of a tweak and Bob's your Auntie's Uncle Trevor and he looks loads better.
Well I think. You keep your opinions to yourself. Of course now his hair is too high up his forehead. Oh goodness.